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tv   Headline News  RT  April 23, 2013 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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the international at the very heart of moscow. coming up on our teacher does have been filed against the boston marathon bombing suspect who remains in the hospital we'll tell you about the new developments in this case and take a critical look at the tactics police use to apprehend the suspect. and we have liftoff this weekend's virginians watch the successful law launch of the taurus rocket this adds another corporate face to the growing reliance on private companies for space flight development we'll give you an in-depth look at the growth of the space industry. and each year millions are diagnosed on depend on antibiotics in order to fight off diseases but their dependence on these drugs is now causing a super bacteria ahead we'll take a look at super bugs and why you should be worried.
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it's tuesday april twenty third five pm in washington d.c. i'm megan lopez and you are watching our t.v. . well in the days since the boston marathon bombing that actually rocked that city americans and law enforcement agencies across the country have been on high alert earlier today there was another woman terry scare when one of the most trusted news organizations in the world that being the associated press posted this breaking news updates through their official twitter account the tweet claims that there were two blasts outside of the white house and that president obama had in fact been injured but that it was fake the a.p. twitter account had in fact been hacked regardless the damage was done and within seconds that update had been rich waited four thousand times and apparently wall street was watching stocks took a nosedive within minutes of the tweet actually being posted the dow jones dropped over one hundred thirty three points but just as quickly as it fell the stock
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market recovered when it learned that that tweet was in fact a farce so obviously the boston bombing is still having ripple effects on the affairs of the american public meanwhile four days since the boston marathon bombing suspect dzhokhar sinai of was taken into custody by authorities new details are coming in from the investigation here's the latest information coming out speaking to interrogators from a hospital bed the nineteen year old acknowledged playing a role in planting the explosives near the marathon finish line he also told investigators that u.s. forces in iraq and afghanistan actually motivated him and his brother to carry out those attacks that's according to officials close to the investigation now when he does stand trial he will face a number of charges including the use of a weapon of mass destruction which could land him with a life in prison or even the death penalty for more from boston are to correspondent ana stasia churkin to join me earlier and she gave us the latest developments. well let me get the latest we're hearing today is of course the fact
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that nineteen year old joe hart's are naive finally beginning to reveal more details about the motives and reasoning behind this attack that shook the united states last monday certainly we're hearing from officials close to the investigation that he has said that the motive behind the two bombings that took place here in boston where the war is the united states has been fighting with in iraq and afghanistan and this is certainly breaking news here on the ground and officials are trying to find more details about that we also know that knife is saying allegedly to the investigators that him and his brother's brother were self radicalized he is saying according to officials here on the ground that they were not communicating with any extremist groups and that they had learned how to set up the bombs that they used basically on the internet using the pressure cookers that ended up making up these bombs they went online and figured out how to do that according to what we're hearing here on the ground also important to point out that
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he basically says and this isn't something that many people have been asking the question is whether or not they're connected to any radical groups and what we know right now on the ground that saying that is not the case on a stock to several u.s. officials have expressed disappointment in the fact that john harshman i have will be tried as and will not be tried as an enemy combatant senator rand paul is not one of them however here's what he told fox business news in a recent interview. what we do with you know i think we can still preserve the bill of rights i see no reason why our constitution is not strong enough to convict this young man with a jury trial with the bill of rights we do it to horrible people all the time rapists and murderers they get lawyers they get trials with juries and we seem to be able to do a pretty good job of justice so i think we could do it drug court system now and it's out there you know any more insight as to why the obama administration is choosing to try this suspect as a civilian and not in a military tribunal. well megan one of the loudest arguments
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against treating her knife as an enemy come combatant is of course the fact that people have been saying guys that we have to keep in mind that we're talking about a u.s. citizen who committed a crime on u.s. soil and involving americans and the largest the biggest argument that legal experts are using is basically if this happens if this person is tried in a military tribunals that would set a major president basically allowing officials to try americans like this and certainly that is something that has been raising lots of eyebrows and you know as we know of course the white house has opted against that option and meanwhile in a fast here the t.s.a. announced today that it will hold off on a planned policy change to allow small knives on airplanes airplanes they were going to allow people to start carrying knives of less than two point five inches long could this be because of the boston marathon bombings is there any connection between the two. well law you know it's hard to say whether there is
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a direct link in this particular case you like you say the t.s.a. has been considering this claiming that they have a more serious things to look out for on an airplane but certainly we can tell you that you know there's definitely been a heightened sense of of fear and being alert a lot more than in the days before the bombing so certainly whatever measures officials are taking now to try to keep safe or are i guess many people are saying justified because this this situation has just frightened so many people are to correspondent ana stuff to check in on the ground in boston with the very latest. well following the boston marathon bombings america watched as the police department and f.b.i. conducted a massive manhunt for the people responsible for this attack it was a manhunt unlike anything we've ever seen before video like the one you are seeing here of police raiding one home after another were common place in the city and all
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of these raids seem to happen willingly residents cooperated in the search despite the fact that the police didn't have a warrant and the people had no ties to the alleged suspects that's not to mention the fact that the entire city was essentially put on lockdown not even the days after nine eleven was an entire city put on lockdown and people ordered to stay indoors but today as the case settles down in the city begins to return to normal let's take a critical look at the police tactics used to hunt down the brothers and to help me do that i was joined earlier by matthew feeney he's an associate editor at reason twenty four seven and he explained some of the extreme measures used by the boston police during the manhunt. well the last sound which was advisory and actually wasn't you know enforced by law seems to have had a interesting effect on people my reason contributor gary quinn wrote an article today that said actually most people in boston seem to have been ok with a lot of them but it is disturbing as the video shows that even if the police
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didn't have a warrant which they probably should have people seem to have been willingly leaving their properties sure and let me ask you this because we obviously watch as this manhunt was going down did the end justify the means in this case obviously we caught him but did it justify the means i don't think it justified the means for a few reasons most importantly i think it's important to remember that it was off to the lockdown was lifted that someone left their home and saw blood on the boat. the other the brother was hiding out alerted police and i think as you briefly did to earlier if you want to lock down an entire city because of what two young men have done haven't they somewhat achieve the goal of terrorizing the american public and i don't think that's something we want to give them sure and the questioning we had mentioned earlier it was obviously a voluntary lockdown but doesn't matter whether it was voluntary or otherwise well if they said it was voluntary but it's hard for anything to seem voluntary when you have police dressed up as soldiers roaming the streets i can imagine it being very easy to be intimidated if you want to do something say to you know grab some
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groceries or perhaps you know stretch your legs in your own front yard or walk down the street if there are of you know police in what looks like you know tanks to a lot of people roaming around and we did hear many cases where the police are actually yelling at people for being outside not necessarily telling them they must go back and are yelling at them saying that they are in danger now obviously this is raises up a lot of questions the number one question is how far are we willing to take security measures and actually a lose some of our public liberties in the process well i think it's absolutely vital that we not be willing to give the civil liberties that we're entitled to as american citizens in order to keep us safe we said earlier and. and to remember that this person was caught off to the lockdown was lifted and while you know the police might well be tempted to go door to door the fact is we have a constitution that protects people from pretty sure and what are is the line being drawn at this point i mean obviously this is an extenuating circumstance but where is the line for liberty being drawn is obviously it's very very gray area when it
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comes to this when it comes to public safety well it is a gray line and who knows why the house also there will be a push back in the future and as you know as you said you know nine eleven a city was mowed down although i don't know if the comparison is entirely cycle of the attack as died in the nine eleven attacks but nonetheless it's important to remember that you know if two young men can shut down an entire american city it's a very worrying president assad sure now yesterday new york city mayor michael bloomberg said that the country's in need to changing the ways that interprets the constitution in light of these attacks in boston so my question to you is first of all how are we applying the constitution right now and what would it mean for us to change the interpretation of the constitution well i think the the interpretation should be pretty strict when it comes to actually the fourth amendment which says people have the right to be secure in their persons and their property without a search warrant and i don't think that interpretation necessarily been relaxed we
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wouldn't of caught this person soon i do also want to bring up the fact that there was a lot of questions about them and the miranda rights in this case whether or not he was going to be around them office like he was a rabbi at first and that was because of the public safety exception now the obama administration has been using the public safety of shushing exception for quite some time they actually extended it back in two thousand and eleven but can you give us a little bit more detail about what falls under the public safety exception and also my other question to you would be does it undermine the constitution to have these exceptions well i'm not a constitutional lawyer so i don't want to told to you know with to having an opinion on the us constitutional interpretation but it seems to be in place for this. the public safety exception seems to be in place if there's good reason to think that could be a imminent threat and also the the young man i was after handed he was you know wasn't able to speak he was severely injured and a little confused as to why he was unnecessarily read his miranda rights if there
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was no evidence at the time but an imminent threat was about to take place because he was in custody and his brother had been killed and i'm very happy that he won't be tried as a enemy combatants because you know it's important to remember that despite the fact he you know committed a terrible crime he's an american citizen entitled to certain protections you know whether you come into the country or you're born here you are entitled those protections matthew feeney he's editor at associate editor at reason twenty four seven thank you for joining us by having me well as one small step for space exploration one huge leg up on the competition yet another private company has entered the commercial space arena and it's giving space x. a run for its money the orbital sciences corporation launched its new rocket from wallops island virginia on sunday it's the first step for this company in a race to supply the international space station are to correspondent margaret howl was at the launch and brings us this report. for three go enter its
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majestic fierce jaw dropping you think spark inspiration and all like sing a rocket launch from earth and end terrace was no exception it's lift off historic in part because it's changing the spectrum of who has access to the international space station so i'm here wallace island virginia are with us witnessed the historic rocket launch of the an terus rocket arguably the largest rocket launch virginias ever same zero zero and liftoff of one when nasa stopped its space shuttle program in two thousand and eleven it marked an ending to the thirty year way of business as usual the u.s. government gave private companies the chance to charter their own mission to the international space station now this rocket launch is the first step towards creating a competitive marketplace for this very business now there are two types of private space competition at the moment space tourism and space exploration when it comes to space exploration there's been one dominating force space x.
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here's what's alarming about one private company being able to conduct all space exploration number one they can charge whatever rates they want and number two the u.s. space program and the i assess are almost completely dependent on one private company . that is until now the interiors rocket was created by another company orbital a former astronaut and now executive vice president of orbital frank culbertson told r.c. many parts on the interiors rocket were in fact manufactured in russia the edges them selves were built in russia about forty years ago actually but they've been in storage they've been tested extensively and the scientists they were bought by aerojet a few years ago we have state run separation of the ends here as was just a test launch but it fulfilled the primary goal of its flight to deposit a payload into orbit one of those because i pointed out again that this engine that was. many years ago it's up to today's international rocket engineering standards
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in terms of its technical parameters specific engine weight and specific fuel consumption bringing more competition into the equation that lowers prices and guarantees some sort of stability for supplies and with orbitals billion dollar baby entier is this is just the first of many we're going to see. virgin young murdered how old are t.v. well and president obama cut funding to the shuttle program he opened up the door for the private sector to step in this latest launch from the orbital sciences corporation was a huge step forward in the private space race and exactly the boost the nasa was hoping for not only will it guarantee future price competition but it safeguard the i access since it will no longer be dependent on one company or one country to get a supplies so what does this mean for space exploration moving forward to discuss this technology technological advance and more i was trying to earlier by keith
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coing editor at nasa watch dot com and i began by asking him if this private competition wasn't what nasa was exactly what nasa wanted. leslie the more ways you have to get the space the more flexibility you have and if one was at for some reason doesn't work you've got one or two other backup so in the past when there's been a problem for the rocket there's only been one path to get up there and that causes problems and it's nice to have the slicks ability to share and that also opens up a flexibility in terms of the locations as i understand this one actually launched out of wallops virginia and the other ones in the launch usually out of cape canaveral and i know that this space this new space company is looking to our space x. anyway is looking to have one in texas so obviously we're not dependent on weather patterns anymore as well right well that's one of the reasons actually they're looking at texas because the weather is more predictable there but again having more rockets and more places more times use you much more flexibility than one launch site in russia one in the u.s.
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and one of south america here on the only problem going to be getting the supplies to the different places but that's much better than to landing these things when the supplies are so crucial to the international space station now and talk about the significance of this rocket as i understand it was made from parts from different countries this is an interesting crack at the first stage engines are modified versions of what was in the old soviet moon rocket which didn't work too well whereas the engines work just fine the first stage is built by the same ukrainian company that builds the zenith rocket which was part of the booster for the the soviet space shuttle which is now canceled the second stage was built by another company in the u.s. in the third stage is built by yet another company so like a lot of things these days in a globalized world you open up a computer the parts from temper to different places but because of standards and interchange ability that's actually quite doable these days and that's not what's happening with a corporation like space x. is it not but we have the exact they have an opposite view they build everything in-house they first thought well you know we'll buy the parts here and there but they realized that what they needed they had specifications that they wanted to
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control and also they could do it cheaper in-house so the other nice thing about this is there's more than one way to build a rocket which is also will. dynamic and useful if you find out that one component of one country fails in its basics as making all their own you know one more way to be certain get your rocket to where you need to go when it comes to go and also make for price competition and that percent oh yeah so let's talk about the benefits of having a private space company and some of the drawbacks well up until maybe ten fifteen years ago space exploration was something the governments did take your government it was their rockets the rockets were often built by private companies but under very strong control the government and what was started four or five years back was the thought that at least nasa. doesn't need to be a shipping company itself which you've got to do an exploration and sort of like exploring the old western help of the australian outback once you've sort of speed into territory you don't need the government guys out there anymore you turn back to the folks and do this commercially and allow them to do the trucking and that's
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exactly what we saw just the other day and it's probably the shape of things to come because there are other companies lined up to do this to take not just cargo but people at the same time i wonder who would be held accountable if a disaster happened it would it be the private company would it be massive commissioning them or do we now that's why it's still a bit of a debate here but they've worked a lot of these things up there's a liability waiver that's in place for a lot of these things but what they've been able to do is build upon what the commercial aviation to commercial shipping and commercial trucking of been able to do so at the end of the day if you lose a rocket it'll be very clear who's at fault and who is not now what does it take from asset to trust one of these companies bringing equipment to the international space station well there's a very very specific set of requirements that as you have your space station something coming up to it they have rules that say you can't come any closer wish you could do this that and that you have to be able to stop the spacecraft at a moment's notice it has to be able to not you know not crash into the station and they also need to be able to be certain that if a problem does happen it can automatically depart from the station without human
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intervention so they have very strict requirements and sort of like not to let you park your little car in a space it's a small car unless you have a small car if you need to. requirement come out of the space station and finally we don't have too much time left but i need to ask when it comes to these these private companies they're not really at the beck and call of nasa all the time right are they looking more towards a space exploration of their own going both companies are launching private commercial satellites all the time and this notion that the government subsidized is not the case here i mean that both companies could stop their work with the government government right now and still have a long queue of people to launch so i'm sure the best is the best of both worlds you have a government customer but you have other customers and together you get options that you would not otherwise have normally had it's a very exciting week for space their discovery of three new planets could potentially be habitable and this launch happening on sunday it's a very exciting week he's calling editor at nasa watch dot com thank you for joining us the pleasure while a cuban now where a u.s.
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navy spokesperson has announced that half of guantanamo bay is one hundred sixty six detainees are participating in a hunger strike two of those detainees have also attempted suicide the hunger strike has been going on for over two months now reportedly starting after guantanamo bay officials conduct a detainee cell searches in some cases confiscating korans and personal pictures as a result of this prolonged hunger strike detention facility officials are now forcibly feeding sixteen inmates through tubes by pumping liquids into their stomachs the method is described as incredibly painful force feeding is a tactic that the united nations human rights commission considers torture the world medical association for have its physicians from participating in force feeding and the u.s. advocacy group physicians for human rights argues that force feeding itself is a violation of medical ethics when it comes to hunger strikes. also out today the u.s. military announced that it will be sending an additional military personnel convoy
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to the camp to provide additional care for the detainees lieutenant colonel samuel house says that some forty people will join the one hundred of the one hundred million medical personnel already stationed at guantanamo bay to help provide emergency care and basic medical services. well for most americans when you're feeling sick you go to the doctor to figure out the problem and then you are prescribe any number of antibiotics in order to fight the infection but it turns out that overprescribing drugs is one factor playing into a major medical threat that's gripping hospitals around the country today disease resistant bacteria the issue of bacteria is such a huge concern that the center for disease control itself actually put out a memo about it the director of that c.d.c. dr thomas wright and he held a press conference to sound the alarm r.t. correspondent liz wahl shows us how a little bug is becoming a big problem for the medical community. an invisible but deadly threat has creeped
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into us hospitals it's not getting better actually is getting worse dr anthony found he is talking about c.r. re a so-called super bug that is resistant to nearly all antibiotics the bacteria kills half of infected patients while the first case of c.r.u. was identified here at johns hopkins back in two thousand and seven and since that microbiologist here say that the superbug has become much more common detecting one to two cases per week now on average testing for the bacteria happens here in the basement of johns hopkins hospital scientists take several steps to confirm the bacteria they are dealing with is in fact the superbug this is called the phoenix when you put the microbes in there what have u.v. lights that go through the spine and generates them and it would create and give you haven't been in susceptibilities the highly resistant microbes are tested again and in your bio lab once it's in the broth. uses large plates we actually spread
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the organism onto the plate. incubator over night the result tells you just how powerful the bacteria is where you see it clearing that's where the drug is working so this one this drug right here has no zone so i mean the organisms we resistant to it a potentially deadly problem for patients infected with the superbug that means even the most powerful antibiotics can help them so far forty two states have reported cases of sorry they tend to attack in hospitals are nursing homes and in fact those that are already vulnerable so it's always a very special circumstance when someone is in a hospital and has of the bill dated condition that lowers their body's defense mechanisms experts say the problem is a result of doctors prescribing antibiotics too often and patients taking them and appropriately they ask the doctor to give them an antibiotic because they think they'll feel better in some time just to satisfy the pace. a doctor will give an
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antibiotic which is not appropriate and that selects for the growth selective growth of these resistant microbes the centers for disease control is calling on hospitals to take action to detect and prevent cases of superbugs and so once you identify that there is what do you do we once we had in five days a cod we needed to cause a physician who was taking care of sufficient and with interaction. and the patient has to be in isolation that means washing your hands thoroughly when you go into a room and when you leave a room wearing gloves protective equipment down is when you know someone is infected with the rising rates of superbugs experts say doctors nurses and patients must take action now to prevent the problem from spreading in washington liz wall. well the u.s. justice system is harsh but fair most americans would agree to that that statement
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anyway over half of american men will be arrested for one crime or another in their lifetime according to a report from the president's commission on law enforcement and administration of justice that happened all the way back in two thousand and nine that number could be even higher today but while most are arrested for a dui here or disorderly conduct there one woman takes the cake for arrests according to the chicago sun times fifty one year old charmaine miles has been arrested three hundred ninety six times over a period of thirty five years has been arrested under eighty three different aliases and is currently behind bars and illinois this time for a passion possible parole violation following a two thousand and ten conviction for robbing an elderly person at knifepoint she was first arrested back in one nine hundred seventy eight for breaking into a car now local authorities are trying to keep this woman off the streets they say she has been terrorizing the community for years by. u.s.
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justice systems have other plans. normally getting a former boss to recommend you for a job is a good thing but linda forand and might tell you it's more trouble than it's worth this is linda fondren and she was running for mayor of vicksburg mississippi now you may recognize founder and former boss dennis hof owner of the moonlight bunny ranch an occasional guest here on our t.v. america the bunny ranch is a legal brothel in las vegas and funder and used to work there as a prostitute so when half said that finance time at the bunny ranch gave her the necessary business know how to be a great mayor it forced the candidate to go on the defensive here's fodder and having to admit after the endorsement that indeed hof used to be her boss i was a working girl in a legal brothel over thirty years ago. it's true my husband was my client
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my husband and i have been married for twenty eight years well since that time at the bunny ranch fondren has garnered national acclaim for her fight against american obesity but thanks to hoff she might be remembered by a job that she did at a young age and she took up because her mother had died of cancer. and that's going to do it for now for more on the stories we covered go to youtube dot com slash r.t. america and check out our web site that's r t v dot com slash usa you can also follow me on twitter at meghan underscore lopez i will see you right back here at eight pm with more news and in-depth interviews. here is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call. i don't. i'm sorry i mean the guy here is not what you said. you know what that is. one with
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the feature isn't the only liberal that's right. usually it's the. you know the corporate media distracts us from what you and i should care about because they're profit driven industry that sells a sensationalistic garbage he calls it breaking news i'm happy martin and we're going to break this that.


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